How To Promote Content On Social Media


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If you're anything like me, you're probably sick of hearing the same tired adage, "Post as many articles as you can on social media to build a following and drive free traffic to your website."

Why don't we discuss a different topic today?

Sneaky psychological tricks that persuade readers to click, read, and fall in love with every article you write!


Let’s dive in.

1. Create informative/Shocking/useful Content.

The fact that social media is crowded to the brim is no longer news. Millions of blog posts from around the world are streamed daily.

Each content creator is competing for the readers' time and attention.

Crafting an outrageous headline that will entice readers is the only way to stand out from competition.

Take a look at this example from Jon Murrow founder ofSmartblogger.Com

First off, very few people truly love what they do on a daily basis. And now someone shows them how to quit and get paid to make a difference in the world!

Secondly, if your read Jon’s article here, You'll see that it's not smoke or fluff! This guy really wants to assist you in quitting your job and guiding you to paradise!

Utilizing readers' anxieties and pain points is the fundamental idea behind useful and actionable content.

Here are 35 more outrageous headlinesto spark your creativity in your next blog post.


2. Get a Blog Promotion Checklist.

Let's be honest.

You will eventually fall behind on consistently producing high-quality content.

Additionally, for you to share content on social media effectively, you need high-quality templates to draw in leads, customers, and influencers.

This is where a blog promotion checklist comes in handy.

It will guide you on how to go around hard-to-beat content promotion techniques like content syndication and content repurposing.

Download your free content promotion kit here.

3. Promote other Bloggers.

Ever heard of the mantra ‘Give freely. Receive easily’?

Well, here is how it works.

When you aggressively support bloggers in your niche on social media, you unknowingly open a networking door that connects you to a new audience you would never have reached on your own.

Here is how to go about it:

  • Repost other bloggers' content on your social media accounts.

  • Actively participate in their poll posts.

  • Drop positive comments on their articles.

  • A high number of like-minded bloggers will return the favor and will help you skyrocket your content on social media.

    4. Welcome New Followers in Style.

    The number of your followers, shares, and likes is likely to rise daily when you consistently promote content on social media.

    Feels pretty good, doesn’t it?

    It should. You are building a loyal following. An audience that will be the pillar of your online business.

    So it's only fair to make them feel valued and appreciated.


    Through a short, friendly, and conversational welcome note.
    This welcome note will accomplish two things:

    Firstly, it will build a good rapport and relationship between you and your subscribers. Secondly, you can use it to promote your other blog content indirectly as a friend.

    Simply letting them know what other content ideas you talk about is a good way that doesn’t feel salesy and pushy.

    5. Leverage the power of Social Media Influencers in Your Niche.

    Did you know that people always think about themselves?

    The best conversation with a customer is when you let them express themselves and how they feel about certain opinions and societal values.

    You can reverse this technique by writing great content talking about a particular set of influencers in your niche. For example, “top 10 most influential bloggers on LinkedIn..”

    Then message each of them and let them know about it.

    Trust me, most of them will be obliged to share on their social media profiles.

    This will generate free traffic to your website.



    I have done most of the talking up to this point.

    Now it’s your turn.

    Which tactic are you going to implement right away?

    Did I leave out one of your favorite ways to promote a blog on social media?

    How do you promote your blog on social media?

    Let me know in the comment section.

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    Ronald Anzimbu

    Ronald Anzimbu is the CEO and Founder of the Brains Marketing Agency. He helps businesses, blogs and websites grow through Engaging SEO Content and Social Media Marketing.

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