5 Powerful Ways to Use Ahrefs For SEO That Nobody is Talking About.


5 Powerful Ways to Use Ahrefs For SEO That Nobody is Talking About.

Compared to its competitors Ahrefs remains to be arguably the best SEO Tool out there.

With an incredibly robust and extensive index, ahrefs provides useful information regarding keyword research, backlink checking, and link-building opportunities.

The list is endless.

But, wait a minute,

What if I told there 5 secret yet powerful ways to get the best out of ahrefs that nobody is talking about?

Actionable and productive hacks that your competitors are using to get ahead of the curve.

Read on, as I analyze each of them in detail.

1. Ability to Analyze the Internal Links of any Website

If you are serious about driving traffic, then establishing a proper architecture and internal link system for your website should be your top priority.

Why so?

Well, Google crawlers use the main link navigation on your site to locate the other pages.

Put simply, internal linking is the foundation for any site with dreams of ever ranking higher on Google. This is what Google has to say about internal linking.

In a case study by Ninja Outreach, internal links can be used to boost traffic by 40%

Now that you know how important internal links are to driving traffic, it's now time to look at how ahrefs swings in like Robinhood to help us optimize them and save the day!


Let’s go!

In this context, ahrefs is going to help us fix internal broken links to improve our user experience

The report above shows all the broken links on your site. They can be of potential harm to your online ratings as they cause a terrible user experience.

So, how do we fix them?

Well, we can start by prioritizing pages with more broken links through the “No. of inlinks” column.

Google recommends the redirect method as the best way to fix broken links. This involves redirecting a broken link to a page with relevant content. In essence, this keeps your SEO traffic juice flowing without any hitches.

Alternatively, you can opt to delete the broken links altogether. This is an easy way out. The only downside is you will lose page views and a higher bounce rate(time spent on the site).

2. Do Keyword Research For 10 Search Engines

It's important to remember that even though Google might be the biggest source of our traffic, there are other search engines out there that are often neglected. They include;

  • Bing

  • Yahoo

  • Yandex(Russia)

  • Baidu(China)

  • Amazon

  • Seznam(Czech Republic)

  • Daum and Naver(South Korea)

Ahrefs has all of them integrated into its interface. Convenient right? All you need to do is toggle between each of them to get see the number of visitors you get each month.

Knowing the amount of traffic coming from different search engines helps you make informed decisions on the type of content to create and the promotional strategies to put in place over time.

3. Get Keywords Ranking Alerts

Keywords shape the SEO industry from time to time as they are the primary basis for ranking on Google.

Having the right keyword ideas means more traffic opportunities.

 It's important to put all your efforts into proper Keyword research if you want to get any traffic from Google or other search engines.

A study by Ahrefs shows that more than 80% of pages on the Internet get no traffic from Google as a result of poor keyword research.


Knowing this sad reality, Ahrefs not only helps you do proper keyword research but also sends you constant weekly email notifications with keywords that your site has ranked for.

This is super important as you can track your website progress and monitor competing websites without breaking a sweat.

To activate a new keyword alert, go to;

Alerts> New Keywords> New Alerts> enter domain>Choose Settings and Frequency

4. See Backlink Growth

Google openly says that links and content pointing to a particular website are the most important ranking factors

Therefore it is important to invest time and resources in quality and top-notch backlinks.

In other words, the more votes of confidence you have from other quality websites the more traffic you are likely to receive.

Google Search Console shows you the number of backlinks to your website(“External Links”) in addition to your organic traffic search and overall performance. 

The downside is, Google doesn’t update you daily. Here is where ahrefs comes in yet again.

Ahrefs is the only SEO tool that updates the backlink graph daily! And in Real Time.

5. Uncover Content Gaps

A study by BrightEdge shows that the majority of web traffic originates from SEO and Organic Social efforts.

Now there are numerous hacks and tactics that can be used to get a crunch of this percentage. When naming these tricks, Content Gap Analysis can’t go unnoticed. 

This a technique of analyzing the Keywords your competitors rank for, but you don’t. Of course, to be ahead of the curve you need to do an all-round analysis of your competitors through the SEO Competitor Analysis Workflow

So, how exactly does the GAP analysis work?


Before we go on, just to mention, most of the other SEO tools have this functionality. But what’s unique to ahref, is the ability to do it at the sub-folder level.

Here is what I mean,

You would rather compare your blog to competitors rather than your entire site. Why? Because most of the content is in the blog section.

Ahrefs lets you do this in the Ahrefs Content Gap Tool. Remember to switch into prefix mode.

Go deeper to find what your competitors rank for and them to your calendar.

Google recommends articles that are detailed and thorough. One way to discover the sub-topics you missed is to run a content gap analysis at the page level.

Get a page from your site that doesn’t rank well for a particular keyword then compare it to the top-ranking pages using the URL mode.

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