5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Waste of Time.


5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Waste of Time.

Hey, I get it.

I know what you are thinking.

Is this guy nuts?

Who doesn’t know blogging is the key to developing trust and credibility with your target audience?

Here is the thing,

You are right.


According to neuropsychologists, the brain is wired to put more emphasis on negative events and experiences than the positive ones. For instance, we are good at remembering insults/criticism than praise, and our best fantasies when daydreaming are worse scenarios of what could happen coupled with fear and anxiety!

So, don’t you think it's better to look at the importance of blogging in the reverse?

I mean, it is likely to stick more!

All you need to do is remember it in the negative and apply it in the positive.

  1. Blogging Builds Disloyalty and Mistrust.

When you lie to your readers, you are slowly breeding disloyalty and mistrust. When you promise and fail to deliver the rift widens even further.

How about the opposite?

Good valuable and credible content builds loyalty and trust.

As you know trust equals sales. You can buy a product recommended by someone you trust and believe in.

So, if you want to make real sales, focus on building trust and loyalty, and the next time you request your readers to jump, they will ask how high!

  1. Blogging Causes Invisibility

If you want to make more sales you don’t need to get out there to tell people about your business!


Absolutely crazy!

You must stick your neck out for you to get noticed.

One good way to do this is through blogging.

Come up with a consistent content marketing strategy and follow it to the letter. Post consistently. Share widely. After a while, people will start noticing you. You will start reaching new a new audience you never thought of.

This will open interesting opportunities like guest blogging and link building.

  1. Blogging Kills Brand Awareness.

I believe there is no need to put in work so as to establish yourself as a trusted solution in your niche.

It’s better to wait till that day you will have millions of followers!

Now, how should we reverse this?

When you keep creating content, you are slowly building a trusted brand. You might not notice it. But it is happening in the background.

With this in mind, keep researching. Reading. Investing in courses in your niche. Share this knowledge with your audience for free in your blog.

This is how you will become influential. This is how you will grow into a formidable brand.

  1. Blogging Does Not Generate Leads.

Is this another fallacy?

Of Course!

We both know when blogging, you create a need for your product or service. You further go ahead to show the readers how your service/product will make their lives easier every day.

This is how you generate leads. People who will show interest in your product and eventually buy.

As I said earlier, create unique and helpful content to build more of a relationship with your readers.

  1. Blogging Misleads You On What Customers Need.

This can only happen when you don’t know your target market properly.

The fact is, researching what actually affects the customer, will help you understand what they really want to read about.

Another way is to add a comments and feedback section.

This is a good way to understand them even better.

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