Read This To Increase Traffic To Your Website Instantly.


Read This To Increase Traffic To Your Website Instantly.

Read This To Increase Traffic To Your Website Instantly.


According to a study by DataReportal, 5.16 billion people use the internet. This is almost 64.4 % of the world's population.

Our main job as content creators is to get a share of this cake by whatever means necessary.

Ready to get started?

Let’s dive in.

1.Create a Click to Tweet Link.

Head to and write your tweet.

The tool will then generate a link for you:

Finally include this link in your blog:

and when someone clicks on the link, here is what appears: how-to-increase-traffic-to-a-website

2. LSI Keyword Optimization..

You probably know that SEO Optimization is one of the best ways to drive traffic to a website.

The problem is most SEO hacks no longer work.


Google’s HummingBird.
Google’s HummingBird.
Google’s 2013 Humming Bird update changed everything about SEO.

Now google can understand Topics, instead of just looking for keywords in a blog!
Google’s HummingBird.
According to Google, hummingbird affects 90% of all searches!

The billion-dollar question is:

How do you make sure Google understands your content topic?

Answer: LSI Keywords.

These are words and phrases related to your main keywords.

For instance, If you wrote a blog about Content creation, your LSI Keywords would be:

  • Podcasts.
  • Instagram videos.
  • Blogs/Articles.
  • Facebook Stories.
  • And when Google notices these LSI Keywords in your content, they automatically categorize your article’s topic as Content creation.

    This brings us to our next question:

    How do you get these LSI Keywords?

    Answer: A free tool known as LSI Graph. LSI-GRAPH
    The tool spits LSI keywords tailored around your main keyword.

    Once you have the LSI keywords, sprinkle them into your blog post.

    That’s it!

    3. Share Videos On LinkedIn.

    A certain study found that the number of people sharing stuff on Linked has significantly gone high over the years.
    Here is how to go about it:

    Post a Video.

    Sounds easy on the surface.

    Let’s dig deeper…

  • Your video should be between 2-4 minutes in length.

  • Make sure your video does 2 things. Firstly, educates and informs readers about something they need to know. Secondly, it solves a particular problem your readers are having. This is how you become influential in your industry.

  • Strong-call-to-action

  • After you are done, it is time to upload. Make sure you include a short description of what the video is about. Secondly, add bullet points of what you are going to go over in the video. Finally include a Call to action to engage the readers.

  • Consistency is my last call: Commit to doing at least 1-3 videos per week. I suggest doing a video on Tuesday and Saturday. Check your schedule and see what fits you well.
  • 4. Host a Giveaway Contest..

    People love free stuff.

    Not kidding!

    But, did you know you can use this free stuff to get traffic?

    Here is how:

    Host a giveaway contest.

    Start by studying your audience to know the best platform to host the Giveaway. Host-a-giveaway
    I know you get the drill.


    Take a look at this example from Noah Kagan:
    how-to-increase-traffic-to your-website
    Do you see how it gets interesting?

    For people to participate in the contest, they must submit their Emails!

    This next example takes people directly to your website.
    how-to-increase-traffic-to your-website
    For readers to participate, they have to click on the image, which has a link to their website.

    Finally, give back to the community in form of a contest.

    The example below is creatively asking for readers to nominate the most appropriate candidate for the present, but this has to happen on their website!
    how-to-increase-traffic-to your-website

    5.Add “Share Triggers” To Your Content.

    The truth is your readers would love to share content that makes them look cool and sophisticated.

    How do you bring them to this point?

    Answer: Share Triggers.

    What are share triggers?

    These are things that push people to share your content.

    This was discovered by behavioral scientists like Dr. Katherine Milkman, Dr, Jonah Berger, and Dr. Jure Leskov.

    Here is how to add share triggers to your content:

    a. Spark Emotional Curiosity.


    Adding informational gaps in your content.

    According to research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University, people desire to consume and share content that delivers clarity around an unknown topic.

    Here’s how to add informational gaps in your content:

  • Step 1: Preview Something;
  • how-to-increase-traffic-to your-website

    Take a look at this image.

    Jonathan, of Content Marketing Institute, sparks informational curiosity by previewing something unknown to readers. Which he then promises to reveal later.

  • Step 2:Reveal/Give the Solution;
  • This is where the magic begins.

    Once you put their curiosity to rest, they will reward you with lots of shares.

    Here are a couple of informational gap examples:
    Joe Pulizzi starts with a punchy headline that leaves readers craving to know more.
    how-to-add-informational- gaps
    Buzzfeed opens an informational gap around the word Dentistry.

    b. Create Memorable Content.

    Come up with content that glues in the memory of your readers.


    Simple: Go against popular public opinion.

    For this technique to work, you need to have credible data to back up your arguments.

    For example, it is known that Guest Posting is key to more backlinks and traffic. But, Tim Soulo had a different perspective, and so he published this article claiming that Guest posting is a terrible idea! He then backed it up with data to prove that his claims were true.

    The article grabbed attention hence pulling off hundreds of shares and backlinks.

    Here is how to create your own memorable content:

    Step 1:Don’t Overthink it. Even a slight twist can make all the difference.

    Step 2: Identify a popular belief/topic/Opinion.

    Step 3: Flip the idea from the head.

    Step 4: Check Google to ensure that your topic has not been covered widely.

    Step 5: Research online for credible data to back up your arguments. This can be informed by statistics, surveys, or case studies.

    c. Content Utility.

    This is our third Share trigger.

    It’s about giving readers practical advice inform of checklists, step- by step guides, and free online tools.

    This article is a good example of a content utility.

    Remember to share. LOL!

    The secret to content utilities is practicality. Give readers short doable steps that work.

    d. Social Currency.

    Perhaps the most potent share trigger, social currency works on the premise that people like sharing content that makes them look good or reinforces their beliefs.

    The real secret behind the social currency is to make influencers in your niche look good.


    Step 1: Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them questions related to a simple topic. Remember to mention that you will link to their sites.

    Step 2: Incorporate the Influencer’s responses into your content.

    Step 3: After you've published the article reach out to these influencers and ask them to share it.

    e. Content Utility.

    In a study of 100 million blog posts, BuzzsSumo discovered that length is a factor in creating sharable content.

    In other words, long-form content tends to outperform short-form content by far. content length-is-important

    Long form is likely to trigger awe. It is like standing in front of Mount Everest and feeling awe due to its sheer size!

    Additionally, long-form content is packed with blocks of useful information to readers, making it worthy of a share.

    6.Reduce Your Bounce Rate.

    A bounce rate is an indicator showing you the number of visitors leaving your website without visiting other pages or immediately after arriving.

    You can find it in your Google Analytics.

    A high bounce rate is bad news.

    It damages your page views, conversions, and SEO.

    You need to make sure visitors stay longer on your site to send a signal to Google that your site is worthy of being ranked higher.


    Simple: High Rankings=More Traffic!

    What is a good bounce rate?

    Well, there is no specific number every business should be shooting at as the best bounce rate because it all depends on your business goals and your type of niche.

    But, ideally, if you are between 30-50 % your bounce rate is considered excellent. bounce-rate-is-very-important

    A bounce rate of 90% is cause for alarm!

    Here is how to reduce your bounce rate:

    (a) Design better user experience.

    (b) Check the readability of your text. Use a good font size.

    (c) Engage your audience with videos and images..

    (d) Attract the right kind of visitors. People who are interested in your content.

    (e) Keep your content full of fresh content.

    (f) Show your credibility.

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    Ronald Anzimbu

    Ronald Anzimbu is the CEO and Founder of the Brains Marketing Agency. He helps businesses, blogs and websites grow through Engaging SEO Content and Social Media Marketing.

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