How to Increase Email Marketing Profits By 300%


How to Increase Email Marketing Profits By 300%

Do any of these predicaments sound familiar to you?

  • You have a lead magnet that has been gathering dust on the shelves. And you probably don’t remember the last time you used it.

  • You silently shudder every month as you pay email subscriptions that you never use.

  • You have a cranky email automation sequence that brings no conversions.

  • You have been told in online blogs and articles for the 100th time why email marketing is important without actionable roadmaps to follow.

  • You have no idea how to make money from emails.

  • Your life is packed full. You don’t have time for an email marketing strategy.

If you are nodding yes, then it's time to take control and change things around.

The fact is...

Email marketing is more than building a list.

It's about a holistic lead conversion strategy that will create raving fans who will WANT your emails and look for them.

It’s about what to send to people, how to keep them engaged, and subsequently lead them to the conversion phase in a friendly and conversational manner.

It’s about being crafty and setting yourself apart from the rest while leaving nothing to chance.

Here’s what you’ll find packed in this how-to-guide;

  1. Three Things your welcome email must do(But probably doesn’t!)

  1. The one thing almost all business owners ignore when it comes to email marketing.

  1. Why your evergreen email funnel is not getting any sales.

Ready to learn how to do email marketing?

Let’s dive in.

3 Things your welcome email must do + Examples.

Identifying the right ingredients that fit together to form a perfect welcome email can be intimidating and overwhelming at the same time.

A welcome email is the first impression you give to a new subscriber.

It is a way of saying, “thank you for subscribing!”

A welcome email sets the backbone for future interactions with your new subscriber. 

And in it lies the seed to build trust, connection, and credibility. 

So, you have to make every word count.

Below are quick but highly effective nuggets to get you started;

  1. Grab Attention!

We live in an attention-saturated world and so you only have less than 3 seconds to establish who you are, what you do, and why you do what you do.

 Lol! If that makes sense!

So, how do you draw in your readers quickly and efficiently in such a short time window?

Laura Belgray from Talking Shrimp understands this question better. 

Take a look at this typical email to her new subscriber.

Laura is a skilled salesperson full of humor and intimacy. She delivers just that in this email. Her subject line is intriguing, arouses curiosity and it is irresistible!

From this example, it is essential to visualize your readers, know their fears, and understand their pain points to write as though you know them.

In addition to a catchy subject line, you need dramatically powerful words that will persuade people to click on your email every time. Read about them here and here.

  1. Build Credibility and Trust.

In today's world, virtues like honesty and integrity are in short supply.

Your welcome email is the best place to reassure subscribers that all is not dead on your end.


Use evidence from other sources to reaffirm that they made a wise choice by signing up.

For instance, James Clear does it by showcasing the people that read his emails.

You may not have such proof as James Clear, but simple quotes or comments from your readers can go a long way in building social credibility.

Total transparency from the offset can be equally a game changer in the world of trust.

The best way is to show your new subscriber that you are not sneaky and communicate clearly about what they should expect from you in the future.

Eliminate any ounce of nasty surprises like Pat Flynn, founder of Smart Passive Income.

  1. Get Valuable Intelligence About Your New Subscriber.

You need to magically know what people want, every tiny detail that makes them tick, and what works so well and not so well with them….

Insane! Right?


Secret- do your homework.


Ask the right questions.

Take a look at this email from Noah Kagan, founder of OkDork.

Notice the second line where he asks, “If I could write about 1 thing to make your day better, what would it be?”

Noah capitalizes on this question to find out about his reader’s dreams, aspirations, fears, and pain points.

Just imagine what he could do with the answers:

  •  Generate topics for future posts.

  •  Make his subscribers feel valued and understood by creating content that solves their most common fear.

  •  Increase sales by completely erasing any doubt about his product or service.

Another cool way to gain intelligence from your new subscriber is by asking questions in an organic way like Brian Dean (Founder of Baclinko).

Take a look at one of his emails:

Brian makes the email about the subscriber from the start. He makes them feel appreciated. 

Remember, people love talking about themselves. And Brain understands this!

This is a good way to capture a host of in-depth insights about your subscriber’s needs. It can help you get a clear view of their preferences and behaviors.

Why do you need this information?


  • Improve your products and services.

  • Humanize your brand.

  • Generate extremely valuable content.

  • Fuel better customer experience.

The one thing almost all business owners ignore when it comes to email marketing.

Let me guess….

You don’t want to sound too salesy.

People will unsubscribe from your email list if you sell them something too soon and too often; at least that’s what you tell yourself.

Email marketing is about interacting with your subscribers, sharing information, and helping your audience achieve their dreams and aspirations.


Actually, if you think like this, you are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

It's true.

The rules of selling have changed.

But, the question is….

How do you avoid skepticism in your emails to increase sales?

The answer: avoid hyperbolic words such as;

  • Cheap

  • Incredible

  • Amazing

  • One-time offer.

That brings us to the pregnant hippo in the room,

How do you put together a sales email that won’t turn AWAY your readers?

Well, make a gentle pitch with an offer they can’t resist.

Like in this example.

Just ensure the pitch is friendly with no hard-to-sell.

Why your evergreen email funnel is not getting any sales.

Let’s crack the door WIDE OPEN on why your evergreen email funnel is not working.

But, wait….Pardon my manners!

What is an evergreen email funnel? Or ‘Evergreen Sales Funnel’?

Well, you don’t need a Ph.D. to understand and build. It is simply an automated system that sells courses or digital products, every day, to your audience in a strategic way.

The reason an evergreen email funnel is perfect is that it does the selling for you as you focus on doing what you love: marketing your business, creating youtube videos, sharing free content with your audience, and reaching new valuable prospects.

But, in this scenario…. there are crickets! No one is buying your course or product!

What now?!

What do you do when your evergreen email isn’t viable?

Well, the best place to start is by addressing any of these skeletons ;

  1. You are selling to the wrong people.

  2. You are not clear on what problem your product/course solves.

  3. You are missing the ‘You’ factor in your sales pitch. 

  4. You have not built enough credibility and trust.

  5. You are focusing on the features rather than the benefits.

Just remember, you don’t have to be perfect at all of the tips and tactics above, you just have to get a few going through serious practice.

All skills are learnable!

What tactic are you going to implement right away?

Let me know in the comment section.
