Brains Marketing Agency- Best SEO and Digital Marketing Services in Nairobi, Kenya


SEO Training and Copywriting Tips in Nairobi,Kenya

Compel Your Visitors To Sit Up,
Take Notice and
Do Something.

Which Would You Like Help With?

What We Can Do For You

Social Media Marketing

We enhance your online presence ensuring high levels of web traffic and customer engagement.

SEO Content Writing

We offer you grammatically correct,well-researched and plagiarism-free SEO content(blogs, articles and descriptions) that educates and drives leads.


We develop great pieces of Content that appeal to target audiences,attract customers and boost brand awareness.

Website Design and Management

We create the best website experience that engages and converts.


Peter Musyimi

CEO, Movers and Shakers, Nairobi, Kenya

"At First, I wasn't quite sure whether Ronald could deliver the best SEO Service in Nairobi, Kenya. I took a leap of faith and gave him the job anyway. I was startled to see a 6.921% increase in my impressions and clicks on Google in the first 1 week! He is indeed an SEO Genius."

Vivian Njeri

Co-Founder, Karoki Tax Audits, Nairobi

"Being able to stand out on the crowded online market is not easy these days. Ronald made it happen for me.Today I have a unique number of returning visitors on my website. And the number keeps growing. Am glad I met these bright guys."

Latest Articles

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you convert visitors into lifelong customers?

To convert visitors into customers you need a clear and simple landing page that is precise and action-oriented. Don't use unnecessary graphics and options that compete for the visitor's time and attention.

What is the secret sauce to more clicks, sales and profits?

Well, you need to start by taking care of your customers, just as a shepherd cares for their sheep. Give them insanely valuable content.Then persuade them in a friendly and unforced way.

How do you write content that converts?

The best way to write content that drives customer action is through creating a library of valuable information while positioning yourself as a helpul resource and solution provider.

What is the importance of SEO audits?

SEO audits are crucial components of keeping your SEO practices up to date. If you have not optimized your website properly for SEO, then you are missing free traffic as well as attention from potential customers. Be careful! SEO can be dangerous if you follow the wrong adice...

How do you write social media content?

The best way to position your product or service through content is to first know your audience.(What makes them tick?). Secondly, research your competition.(Find out what they do to get the attention of your target audience, then copy and do it ten times better!). Finally, master and understand how social media algorithms work.

What are the best email marketing tips?

Firstly, draft a 3 month content calender to keep you on track.Secondly,refine your 'welcome' email and be thorough with segmenting and targeting your audience.And as a tension technique, ask a question and promise to answer the following week.





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