8 B2B Secretive Social Media Strategies That Nobody Wants You to Know.


Social media has increasingly become the bread and butter of the modern world.

Everyone uses social media, whether it be for marketing, staying in touch with family, or entertainment.

This widespread appeal provides an ideal environment for increasing visibility, creating a brand, and generating leads.

Every Business-to-Business(B2B) and Business-to-Consumer(B2C) company is vying for more of this lucrative ground.

And as a savvy B2B business, you are eager to stake a claim on this territory.

Here are some tactics that could help you bring victory to the table.

  1. Craft SMART Goals.

When you are committed to and focused on a single goal, you will move faster.

Your B2B business needs to have a clear goal before you start posting on social media. For instance, do you want to increase website traffic, drive leads, or build brand awareness?

Here is an illustration of a successful SMART goal for a new B2B company.

  1. Share Original Content.

It is unfortunate that the majority of companies base their brands on other people's content.

You're dealing with a smart, extremely knowledgeable group of people as a B2B company. They can easily detect duplicate content from a great distance. 

If you find it difficult to post every day, scale back and lower the bandwidth of the social media platforms you use, or post a few times per week as you gradually increase your frequency.

  1. Utilize Different Multimedia Formats.

How does it feel to keep watching the same movie?

What if all you see while scrolling down Twitter is blog posts?

The answer is simple:


Utilize a variety of content types as a B2B to captivate your target audience.

To drive your message, for instance, you could use blog posts, pictures, videos, or motivational quotes.

  1. Reveal the Faces of Your Employees. 

The idea that you are selling to a business is a prevalent misconception in B2B marketing.

In actuality, you are making a sale to the organization's decision-maker.

Additionally, people develop relationships with other people, not businesses.

Therefore, using social media to highlight your staff is a good way to personalize your brand. Additionally, you are enhancing the advocacy of your staff members, giving them the ability to influence others by word of mouth.

  1. Consistency.

Tenacity and perseverance are necessary to complete the buyer's journey in a B2B business.

You can't afford to take any chances.

Being consistent is one of the most difficult aspects of social media marketing, let's face it.

Fortunately, there are strategies that can help get past this obstacle. They consist of:

  • Plan ahead.

  • Create a social media strategy.

  • Establish a calendar for your content.

  • Give up trying to be perfect, utilize what you have, and begin where you are right now.

Clarify your content goals.

Decide how consistency and frequency differ from one another.

  1. Know Your Target Audience.

The challenge of defeating an unknown enemy is much greater.

Similarly, B2B social media marketing fits this description.

When writing B2B content, it's important to remember that you are writing for people, not businesses.  These are the people who will choose whether or not to purchase from you on behalf of the businesses.

Here is an illustration of a B2B client's traits.


  1. Create Educational and Informative Content.

When you think about giant B2B companies with massive social media presence, what comes to your mind?

Answer: Google, HubSpot, IBM, and many more.

What do they have in common?

Answer: Sharing engaging and amazing content that appeals to their target audience.

What lesson can we learn from these companies?

Well, they generate and share informative content that excites and appeals to their target audience.

They don’t try to sell to them right away.

According to a study done in 2016, B2B buyers want content that informs and educates them.

  1. Build Relationships.

Maintaining a friendly and conversational tone throughout all of your social media interactions is a good practice.


This is the secret to establishing strong online bonds and devoted clients.

Sending congratulatory messages to your customers' inboxes on special occasions is another way to strengthen your rapport with them.

Here is how Mailchimp does it:

These strategies can work for any target audience. Put them to work today and see what happens.

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