
8 B2B Secretive Social Media Strategies That Nobody Wants You to Know.

  Social media has increasingly become the bread and butter of the modern world. Everyone uses social media, whether it be for marketing, staying in touch with family, or entertainment. This widespread appeal provides an ideal environment for increasing visibility, creating a brand, and generating leads. Every Business-to-Business(B2B) and Business-to-Consumer(B2C) company is vying for more of this lucrative ground. And as a savvy B2B business, you are eager to stake a claim on this territory. Here are some tactics that could help you bring victory to the table. Craft SMART Goals. When you are committed to and focused on a single goal, you will move faster. Your B2B business needs to have a clear goal before you start posting on social media. For instance, do you want to increase website traffic , drive leads, or build brand awareness? Here is an illustration of a successful SMART goal for a new B2B company. Share Original Content. It is unfortunate that the majority of companies base

5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Waste of Time.

  5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Waste of Time. Hey, I get it. I know what you are thinking. Is this guy nuts? Who doesn’t know blogging is the key to developing trust and credibility with your target audience? Here is the thing, You are right. But,  According to neuropsychologists , the brain is wired to put more emphasis on negative events and experiences than the positive ones. For instance, we are good at remembering insults/criticism than praise, and our best fantasies when daydreaming are worse scenarios of what could happen coupled with fear and anxiety! So, don’t you think it's better to look at the importance of blogging in the reverse? I mean, it is likely to stick more! All you need to do is remember it in the negative and apply it in the positive. Blogging Builds Disloyalty and Mistrust. When you lie to your readers, you are slowly breeding disloyalty and mistrust. When you promise and fail to deliver the rift widens even further. How about the opposite? Good valuable and

The Top 3 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Small E-commerce Businesses.

  The Top 3 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Small E-commerce Businesses. Digital marketing is the process of using online platforms like social media to advertise products and services so as to reach the target customer. To get the best out of this process, you need a simple yet effective digital marketing strategy that is aligned with the business requirements and customer needs. The success of a digital marketing strategy largely depends on its implementation and application. Just like any other online marketing technique, digital marketing strategies vary from business to business. In this article, we shall look at the top 3 most effective digital marketing tips and strategies for an e-commerce business. Ready? Let’s start. 1. Utilize SEO For Maximum Visibility and Increased Traffic. If you are not leveraging the power of SEO in your business you are losing out on free Google traffic. You’ve probably heard the term SEO Optimization being thrown around online. What yo

Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting.

  Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting.   Let’s cut to the chase. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing practices out there. In fact, according to a study by EConsultancy, it has the highest ROI(Return on Investment). Knowing this, you take your email marketing seriously. You study proven email marketing strategies. You tweak every word until it is perfect. But, for some reason, your results fall short. You can’t help but notice some important ingredient is missing. A crucial piece of the puzzle.  Luckily, these 3 ingredients will almost guarantee a crazy clicking and converting rate every time. Ready to know what they are? Let’s dive in. 1. Teasy Email Subject Lines. Question. How many emails do you delete without opening them? Well, probably many. I delete them almost daily! Now, here is an interesting truth… According to a study by OptinMonster , 47% of email subscribers will open your email based solely on the subject line. The subject line is the key. It’s a