The Top 3 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Small E-commerce Businesses.


The Top 3 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Small E-commerce Businesses.

Digital marketing is the process of using online platforms like social media to advertise products and services so as to reach the target customer.

To get the best out of this process, you need a simple yet effective digital marketing strategy that is aligned with the business requirements and customer needs.

The success of a digital marketing strategy largely depends on its implementation and application.

Just like any other online marketing technique, digital marketing strategies vary from business to business.

In this article, we shall look at the top 3 most effective digital marketing tips and strategies for an e-commerce business.


Let’s start.

1. Utilize SEO For Maximum Visibility and Increased Traffic.

If you are not leveraging the power of SEO in your business you are losing out on free Google traffic.

You’ve probably heard the term SEO Optimization being thrown around online. What you don’t know is how exactly to utilize it for effective results in your e-commerce business.

Assuming you have a website(Which you should), On-Page SEO is the best place to start. Let’s take a look at some of the most powerful ON PAGE SEO techniques nobody is talking about;

  • The H1 tag on your Homepage should be clear about what your business does in the eyes of google crawlers. Craft in a way that impresses both SEO and human emotions because you also need to collect emails with a powerful CTA on the homepage at the end of the day.

  • Keyword optimization is another simple yet effective SEO tactic. Let’s say the primary keyword you want to focus on in your blog or homepage is ‘e-commerce business’.Here is what you will do:

  •   Go to Google and type in ‘e-commerce business

  •    Scroll down to the ‘people also ask section’

     Find a way to incorporate these ideas into your blogs and homepage or about page of your website. For instance, you can create an FAQ section on your homepage and copy the exact questions with well-crafted SEO answers.

  •    Finally, skim to the bottom of the page to the ‘Related Searches section’ This is another fertile section of long-tail keywords that can generate incredible Google traffic! Focus on the highlighted sections. Get creative with them as well.


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to search engine optimization tips. Read more about SEO here.

2. Leverage Email Marketing 

When building an online business you need to have the ability to convert casual web visitors into something more valuable-subscribers.

Subscribers you can reach at will through their emails to effectively promote your business products, discounts, and articles and continuously send them email newsletters for your business.

The question is…

How do you generate loyal subscribers or what is the best email list-building strategy?

Answer: A powerful lead magnet/freebie/incentive.

A lead magnet is a special offer or deal offered to customers/readers in exchange for their contact details. It can be an ebook, a discount, a special offer, or tips and hacks about a particular topic.

It is normally tailored around the pain points, fears, and hopes of the reader/customer. What troubles your customers? What causes them sleepless nights? If you can come up with a strong Call To Action around these key questions on your homepage and articles, then you will collect uncountable emails. For example, take a look at Neil Patel’s Homepage:

Let’s face it we both get knots in our stomachs when it comes to driving traffic to our websites. 

Which blogger or business owner doesn’t?

Neil Patel understands this. And uses it as a lead magnet to collect as many emails as possible.

So, how do you craft a good Call To Action to generate more clicks and emails?

Answer: Customer Reviews.

A customer review is a reflection of their experience with your products and services. Experience mostly comes in two forms; Good and Bad experience. You want to focus on the bad experience in your e-commerce niche.

Get a detailed overview of how customers feel and how they would want to feel through social sites like Reddit and Quora. Amazon is another social hangout to check. While on these sites focus on your specific business niche to come up with a major problem affecting a majority of customers.

Use it to craft a strong call to action for your homepage.

Congratulations. Now you can start building an email list.

The question is: What next?

How do you build credibility, trust, and stronger relationships with these subscribers to make sales?

Well, through actionable email marketing campaigns. 

This is a scheduled series of emails used to nurture subscribed customers and readers for the purposes of engagement and increasing sales.

Here are 4 effective email marketing campaigns to get you up and running:

  1. Product Education

Ask yourself: How does your service or product fit into your subscriber's everyday life? Then step in to offer advice. Explain a routine they could use to make their lives better with your product or service in the mix. Send this type of email carefully. Remember it has to start with the education part then the promotional section should come later.

  1. Project Updates

The success of your business depends on your customers. So involve them in your progress! Tell your subscribers about company wins, product updates, and events such as company anniversaries, new launches, and feature updates.

Take a look at this update email from Tennessee State Parks.

This email showed subscribers how exactly the organization uses contributions before asking for more donations. This builds trust.

  1. Weekly Fun Bites and Quizzes.

This is a weekly email from This email serves two purposes. Firstly, It connects with the readers through humor and a comic strip feel. It then opens a loop in the readers' heads: Each question has an answer in the following week’s email.

You can use this trick for yourself by coming up with cracking jokes or FAQ Sections tailored around key valuable and helpful content.

  1. Product Self-Segmentation

Being in the e-commerce niche, your catalog might grow as big as Chewy.

In this scenario, you can send your subscribers a product catalog like the one above(from chewy) to help them get the right product.

This is a good way of familiarizing subscribers with the products and services you offer.

3. Capitalize Social Media.

Every day, more than 3 billion people visit and use social media.

For whatever reason, whether it is to connect with friends and family, for entertainment, or for business, social networks have become busy places.

And every marketer understands this potential.

So, how do you use this potential to reach more of your audience?

You need effective social media strategies coupled with solid social media campaign ideas.

A social media strategy is a guide to what you need to do and achieve on social media. It guides your actions and measures whether you are succeeding or not. On the other hand, social media campaigns reinforce your social media marketing strategies. It is a series of coordinated actions intended to actualize the set goals in your social media marketing strategy.

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