Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting.


Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting. 

Let’s cut to the chase.

Email marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing practices out there.

In fact, according to a study by EConsultancy, it has the highest ROI(Return on Investment).

Knowing this, you take your email marketing seriously.

You study proven email marketing strategies.

You tweak every word until it is perfect.

But, for some reason, your results fall short. You can’t help but notice some important ingredient is missing. A crucial piece of the puzzle. 

Luckily, these 3 ingredients will almost guarantee a crazy clicking and converting rate every time.

Ready to know what they are?

Let’s dive in.

1. Teasy Email Subject Lines.


How many emails do you delete without opening them?

Well, probably many. I delete them almost daily!

Now, here is an interesting truth…

According to a study by OptinMonster, 47% of email subscribers will open your email based solely on the subject line.

The subject line is the key.

It’s an email marketing commandment.

Thou shalt write great email subject lines.

No one understands and obeys this rule like Laura Belgray from Talking Shrimp.

Her email conversion rates are through the roof for a good reason.

Take a look at this typical email from Laura to her subscriber.

She goes on with a funny and ballsy tone like a friend!

Laura’s email makes you feel like a friend rather than a potential customer.

There is no hard to sell. No credit card is needed.

Her subject line arises curiosity and grabs attention right off the bat.

 It makes you think WTF?

In addition to great copywriting skills, include at least one engaging PS, as people mostly skim down to the PS section.

Below are more hot tips in form of statistics to guide you:

  • Emails with personalized subject lines get a 26% boost in open rates. (Campaign Monitor)

  • Email subject lines with an emoji increased open rates by 56%, as compared to text-only subject lines. (Campaign Monitor)

  • 82% of marketers send emails with more than 60 characters in the subject line.(Convince & Convert)

  • Only the first 30 characters of a subject line are visible on the iPhone email app. (Yola)

  • The following words in a subject line have been found to negatively impact email open rates(Unbounce)

  • Free.

  • Help.

  • Percent off.

  • Reminder.

  • The average open rate for emails sent in North America is 19.00%(GetResponse)

  • Only 6.9% of email subject lines contain emojis (AWeber).

2.  Engaging Body Copy.

Assuming you have invested enough time in your email subject line, the readers will take the bait and click to find out what is on the other side.

If the email body is dry, joyless, and without game-changing insight, then they will rush for the back button in a twinkle of a second!

This is not good for you and me!

So, how do we go about it?

Well, draw them in immediately after they open the email like Jon Murrow of

Jon gets in the readers’ minds to get them thinking and fascinated. This keeps them grabbed and glued waiting for the next line!

He opens an emotional loop. An overpowering desire to know how things would be if money was this readily available.

Finally, he leads them to the call to action button with bitter pain points, fears, and harsh realities that scare the reader to death! “No portfolio, Tons of competition, Crippling self-doubts.

Like Jon, It’s good to appear approachable and friendly. Have a conversational tone. Write like you know the reader. 

This will most likely lead to a conversion.

3. Clear Call-To-Action.

A clear call to action grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression in the reader’s mind.

It spices the content and compels the reader to take action.

The billion-dollar question is, how in the world do you achieve this?

Power Words. That’s right, power words.

Power words are persuasive and descriptive words that trigger a positive or negative emotional response in a reader.

In other words, these are emotional words packed with persuasion.

Happy socks email marketing applies this philosophy by using powerful words that appeal to the ego.

Here is a list of 801 power words that convert like crazy to get you up and running!

With practice and patience, you can produce the most converting email copy ever!

Did I forget to mention your favorite email marketing technique?

Let me know in the comment section.
