
Showing posts from February, 2023

Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting.

  Here’s Why Your Emails Are Not Converting.   Let’s cut to the chase. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing practices out there. In fact, according to a study by EConsultancy, it has the highest ROI(Return on Investment). Knowing this, you take your email marketing seriously. You study proven email marketing strategies. You tweak every word until it is perfect. But, for some reason, your results fall short. You can’t help but notice some important ingredient is missing. A crucial piece of the puzzle.  Luckily, these 3 ingredients will almost guarantee a crazy clicking and converting rate every time. Ready to know what they are? Let’s dive in. 1. Teasy Email Subject Lines. Question. How many emails do you delete without opening them? Well, probably many. I delete them almost daily! Now, here is an interesting truth… According to a study by OptinMonster , 47% of email subscribers will open your email based solely on the subject line. The subject line is the key. It’s a

7 Steps to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

  7 Steps to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy You already know that you are bound to succeed in life if you have a clear and solid purpose. Well, it’s not any different with social media. A social media strategy is a set of guidelines on how to make use of social media channels to achieve desired marketing results. In other words, it is the act of using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to find, attract and convert more leads and clients. To put this into perspective, I have packed 7 steps to help you write the best social media marketing strategy that cuts the edge. So, buckle up, and let’s get started.  Set Your Goals. Here is where you put down what matters to you most. Even though goals can vary from business to business, there are a typical set of goals that are common in the social marketing world. They include; Increase brand awareness. Generate Leads. Grow followers. Boost engagement with customers. Increase email marketing profi

How to Increase Email Marketing Profits By 300%

  How to Increase Email Marketing Profits By 300% Do any of these predicaments sound familiar to you? You have a lead magnet that has been gathering dust on the shelves. And you probably don’t remember the last time you used it. You silently shudder every month as you pay email subscriptions that you never use. You have a cranky email automation sequence that brings no conversions. You have been told in online blogs and articles for the 100th time why email marketing is important without actionable roadmaps to follow. You have no idea how to make money from emails. Your life is packed full. You don’t have time for an email marketing strategy. If you are nodding yes, then it's time to take control and change things around. The fact is... Email marketing is more than building a list. It's about a holistic lead conversion strategy that will create raving fans who will WANT your emails and look for them. It’s about what to send to people, how to keep them engaged, and subsequently