3 Powerful HubSpot tricks and hacks for SEO That You Need To Know


3 Powerful HubSpot tricks and hacks for SEO That You Need To Know


The year HubSpot Customer Code went live set the pace for an inbound movement that continues to empower entrepreneurs across the globe.

Founded by former MIT students Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shahi in 2006, Hub Spot has steadily moved upmarket to serve larger and smaller businesses with its products and services in Social media Marketing, content marketing, lead generation, web analytics, and Search Engine Optimization.

Looking at the figures above you can surely agree with me that these dudes are in a better position to advise us about SEO traffic and lead generation!

Isn’t it?

But Before we dive into what exactly gets them these insane numbers. Take a look at this.

Competitors of HubSpot. Now you see why I chose HubSpot over the rest. I know you are screaming inside why don’t we start with the hacks ??

I can’t wait either.

Let’s go!

1. Prioritize Search Intent.

Search intent is arguably the most important ranking factor on Google. It is difficult to stress how much this concept means to Google. It is as important as having Backlinks.

The page below represents a 677% increase in traffic after ahrefs made minor adjustments to their content in alignment with search intent.

Now, what exactly is Search Intent?

Search Intent is the why behind a query. Put simply. Why did the user search for that question? What did they have in mind? What did they want to learn?

According to Danilo Godiyo, a content writer at HubSpot, it is important to use several varieties of a keyword to widen the search intent curve. For example, a keyword like “Pizza” might have variations like “pizza recipe”, “pizza dough recipe” and “history of pizza”

There are 4 types of search intent namely:

  • Informational Search Intent.

They have education-based queries. For example, “How to cook pizza”. It is important to note that not all queries are formulated as questions. Look at these examples

  • “Oprah Winfrey”

  • “CSS”

  • “Who is Dewayne Johnson?”

  • “Football scores”

  • “SEO definition”

  • Navigational Search Intent.

In this scenario, the searcher is looking for a specific website. They are much aware of where they want to go. Examples are

  • “Instagram”

  • “Facebook login”

  • “The Moz beginners guide”

  • Transactional Search Intent.

The searchers are in buying mode. They are looking forward to making a purchase. They are maybe comparing prices to get the best deal. Examples include:

  • “Nike shoes minimum price”

  • “Bata coupons”

  • “Laptop prices”

  • Commercial Search Intent.

The searcher in this category is still weighing options. They are not decided on where to make the purchase. Examples include:

  • “Best milkshake”

  • “Moz review”

  • “Top motels in Los Angeles”

  • “Hp vs dell laptops”

2. Improve Page Experience

Closely related to search intent is page experience.

In a nutshell the figure below shows us what constitutes an awesome page experience.

Page speed has been a SEO ranking factor for years. Google’s main aim is to enable a good user experience and fast loading web pages.

In July 2018, Google announced a search engine algorithm update aimed at mobile page speed, citing possible penalties for slow loading pages.

Use Google’s mobile testing tool to see how your page loads up.

Hubspot notes that search engines use the time taken for a user to load and read  a page as an indicator of quality. Many factors can stand in the way of your page load time. For example image size.

Google’s Page Speed Insights Tool has awesome tips on how to improve your images and other related page issues. 

Google rolled out its page experience update on mobile in 2021 and for desktop in February 2022. Here is what this update means for you on desktop.

It includes three factors namely;

  • Core Web Vitals

  • HTTPS and

  • Absence of intrusive interstitials.

  • Core Web Vitals

These are a set of factors that Google considers important in regards to user experience. Improving your core web vitals means more recognition and adoration by search engines as they will improve your visibility and search power in browsers.

To check out your core vitals use the Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console or the Performance report in Ahrefs Site Audit.


You should have switched to HTTPS years ago if you’ve not by now. Lol!...

So, What is HTTPS?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Service is a protocol that secures communication and data transfer between a user’s web browser and a website. Over the decades, most websites have been using HTTP. But as it turns out HTTPS has a higher encryption. As a result a website using HTTP is far more secure than a website using HTTP.

Point home?

This illustration drives the point home even more. Here are more differences between the two

Check how to switch from http to https here

  • Absence of intrusive interstitials.

These are page elements that inhibit user’s view of the content, usually for promotional purposes(advertisements)

Check Google advise on intrusive interstitials here

3.Craft Compelling Title Tags

By now, you know that title tags are the key to higher CTR(Click Though Rate). Hot from HubSpot check this examples of Mind-blowing title tags :

  • Copy blogger

This title tag pinpoints the important when and what.

  • Ahrefs

The term beginner makes this title stand out from the crowd.

  • Essence

The adjective Stylish gives it an upper hand.

  • Fast Company

This title stands out as it target a problem with how to solve it.

Now that you have the best title tags for inspiration. Below is how to actually create yours:

  1. Include Relevant Keywords

  2. Write for the user

  3. Don’t lead with your company name

  4. Be specific

  5. Don’t stuff too many keywords.

Now you have it friend.

3 powerful SEO hacks that will help you go along way in your SEO matters  thanks to HubSpot.

Make sure to leave more SEO tips and tricks I left out in the comments section.

